Charlie's Chronicle

  • 199X

    Baby charlie = new Baby();
    charlie.birthName = "Ziqian";
    charlie.birthPlace = "Chongqing, China";

  • 199X - 2014

    charlie.getEducation("Elementary School");
    charlie.getEducation("Junior High");
    charlie.getEducation("Senior High");

  • 2014 - 2018

     university = {"BUPT", "QMUL"},
     major = "Telecommunications Engineering, B.Eng.");

    // Joint programme between
    // Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    // & Queen Mary University of London.

    charlie.acquireDegree("Bachelor of Engineering");
    charlie.acquireHonours("First Class Honours");

  • 2018 - 2022

     university = "Universität des Saarlandes",
     major = "Media Informatics, M.Sc.");

     position = "Research Assistant (Hiwi)",
     employer = {"DFKI GmbH", "MIA Group, UdS"});

     position = "Software Dev Intern",
     employer = "Pxio GmbH");

  • 2022 - today

     position = "Unity Developer",
     employer = "LocLab Consulting GmbH"),
     location = "Darmstadt, Germamy");


Charlie's Catalogue

Unity Developer at LocLab Consulting GmbH / Hexagon

04.2022 - present

Bringing myriads of 3D models to life for digital twins with Unity technologies.

Software Developer at Pxio GmbH

02.2021 - 02.2022

Produced a C++ native plugin for Unity that extends Pxio’s core features to XR contexts.

Research Assistant at DFKI GmbH

09.2020 - 11.2021

Worked on multiple projects including Unity toolkit development, VR study conducting, MoCap gesture recording, robot programming etc.

Human Actuation for Haptics in Virtual Reality

08.2020 - 08.2021

Master Thesis, Grade: 1.0

Proposed to deploy human force in place of phyiscal props to actuate for haptic feedback in Virtual Reality. See demo video here.

Research Assistant at MIA Group, Saarland Univeristy

10.2019 - 05.2020

Assisted in building a CNN model with TensorFlow for machine learning based image impainting. TensorBoard was utilised for visualisation and analysis.

Research Intern at GVLab, TUAT

03.2018 - 05.2018

Experimented on enhancing the social robot Pepper's emotional capabilities, by combining its gesture movements and the text style displayed on its chest.

An In-Air Handwriting System That Renders Emotions

10.2017 - 03.2018

Developed a Unity application where one can perform handwriting in mid-air that provides visual cues for various emotions. See demo video and related publication.


Charlie's Crafts

AR Filters

A few Instagram/Facebook filters I created with Spark AR Studio.

3D Modelling & Animation

A 3D scene I created with Blender inspired by a childhood dream I had. You can take a closer look here.
