Hi, my name is
tsɨ tɕʰiɛn

A.k.a. Charlie 🦄

Developer by profession.
Creator at heart.
Brought up in Chongqing, China
Currently based in Darmstadt, Germany.

Charlie Codes 👨‍💻

Having acquired the fundamental knowledge of computer science from a my bachelor study in Telecommunications Engineering, I followed my passion and obtained a master degree in Media Informatics.

My skills and interests range from XR development to UX/UI design, from 3D modelling to HCI/HRI. Spare a glance at the adventures on my timeline here. 👇


Charlie Creates 👨‍🎨

From the moment I discovered the magic of Photoshop, I became obsessed with design and creation. There I started from making memes out of my high-school friends to producing posters and videos throughout my collage years.

To me, it is truly a blessing to be living in a time with all kinds of tools that can help me realise my dreams - to create.
